Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna

*Cena z bronią od Civil Response™
Cena z własną bronią wynosi:

Program szkolenia z zakresu pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej: Całe szkolenie podzielone jest na 3 części (każda ok 2-3 h) - Tamowanie masywnych krwotoków - Zabezpieczanie dróg oddechowych - Badanie urazowe oraz resuscytacja krążeniowo oddechowa

Training date:
Strzelnica "Poligon Zapady" - Skierniewice

Niezależnie od tego czym się zajmujesz pierwsza pomoc może ci się przydać w najróżniejszych sytuacjach życiowych. Może jesteś rodzicem, policjantem, żołnierzem lub pracownikiem biurowym, to bez znaczenia bo ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla każdego z Was.

7 - 8 grudnia 2024 (weekend)

Poza samą nauka pierwszej pomocy doradzimy ci jak przygotować w pełni funkcjonalną apteczkę na co dzień, na wyjazdy rodzinne, do domu. Nauczymy Cię jak używać wszystkich elementów jej wyposażenie.

Całość szkolenia jest prowadzona na profesjonalnym sprzęcie treningowym w tym fantomach do tamowania masywnych krwotoków (rany cięte i postrzałowe), manekinach do Resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej.

What will you learn?


Tamowanie masywnych krwotoków

- wiadomości teoretyczne związane z wystąpieniem wstrząsu hipowolemicznego

- opaska uciskowa TQ (wiadomości teoretyczne)

- aplikacja TQ

- wiadomości teoretyczne związane z procedurą pakowania rany

- wykonanie procedury pakowania rany

- diagnozowanie stanu poszkodowanego


Zabezpieczanie dróg oddechowych

- wiadomości teoretyczne związane z procesem oddychania oraz wystąpienia odmy prężnej
- aplikacja rurki nosowo gardłowej
- opatrunek okluzyjny oraz wentylowy
- wykonanie improwizowanego opatrunku na rany ssące klatki piersiowej


Badanie urazowe oraz resuscytacja krążeniowo oddechowa

- wiadomości teoretyczne

- badanie urazowe

- ułożenie w pozycji bezpiecznej


Instructor Y02/ Dudi

+20 years in the police force, including 16 in the elite Counter-Terrorism Unit (SPK), his journey began in the combat team as a paramedic, evolving into the head of training.

Extensively trained in intervention techniques and tactics, anti-terrorist operations, mine and pyrotechnic reconnaissance, TC3 provider, providing aid in special operations, and competitive shooting, studied alongside special forces operators (the Military Unit Commandos from Lubliniec and the US Special Forces ODA).

Off duty: a taekwondo instructor and a father to three (again?). Guards his vinyl collection with the same zeal as his own brood.

No bullshit! As I say - Civil Response teaches what you need, with all the years of experience that they have. That’s why I took such a long trip from Equador to Poland, just to have a few weeks of training. The real deal!

Alejandro Granda
CEO of Latin America Tactical Academy, Equador

Mateusz is a very good instructor! No bullshit! As I say - he teaches what you need, with all the years of experience that he has. That’s why I took such a long trip from Equador to Poland, just to have a few weeks of training. The real deal!

Alejandro Granda
CEO of Latin America Tactical Academy, Equador

Mateusz is a very good instructor! No bullshit! As I say - he teaches what you need, with all the years of experience that he has. That’s why I took such a long trip from Equador to Poland, just to have a few weeks of training. The real deal!

Alejandro Granda
CEO of Latin America Tactical Academy, Equador

Mateusz is a very good instructor! No bullshit! As I say - he teaches what you need, with all the years of experience that he has. That’s why I took such a long trip from Equador to Poland, just to have a few weeks of training. The real deal!

Alejandro Granda
CEO of Latin America Tactical Academy, Equador

Before you ask, check here first

Got a question you didn't find an answer to here? Grab your phone (or hit us up on messenger) and let us know. We're all ears and ready to chat!

Worried you're too green for this?

No, you don't have to have experience. And yes, this is definitely for you! We train everyone - regardless of physical abilities and skills (on a scale from zero to fighter). Champions, first division players and special forces soldiers also once had to take the first step.

What should I bring? How should I dress?

You don't have to have anything with you — just come. We will take care of everything (including coffee!) Dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather (we recommend indoor shoes — if you like crocs it's cool, but it's not good to run in them in the forest). We operate regardless of temperature and external aura!

What if I can't make it?

The cancellation policy is simple:® In case of cancellation 10 days before the training, the participant bears 50% of the training costs.® In case of absence without prior cancellation, the participant is obliged to cover 100% of the training value.® Cancellation of participation or absence for health reasons documented by a medical certificate entitles you to a refund of 50% of the training cost. in fact, it is best to call us and catch up Go to another training date.

Can you whip up an invoice?

Yes, we issue invoices. It is enough to enter your TIN at the stage of purchasing the training, or you can contact us in this matter by email: info@civil-response.co

Is this training certified?

No, it's not. We train not for paperwork — but for skills. But if you need it (we won't go into it for what reasons) — let us know at info@civil-response.co. We will prepare you an official certificate informing you of the completion of the training.